Peach & whipped mascarpone parfait


It’s the season for peaches! Nothing beats the taste of a ripe, dripping with juice peach. And if you add some whipped mascarpone cream..Yum! This is one extremely easy dessert, that will please even the most difficult guests :). I prepared a version for adults and one for kids. The peach parfait for adults was made with peaches that where marinated with white rum and maple sirup. But if you’re not in to rum you can stick to the kid version, it’s still delicious!

Around 4 big ripe peaches
1/4 cup maple sirup
1 shoot of white rum ( adult version )

1 cup mascarpone cheese
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar

Shredded almonds

Cut peaches in to small cubes, add maple sirup and white rum ( if you’re preparing the adult version ). Set aside. Whip cream with sugar. Add mascarpone and mix it until it’s smooth and fluffy. You can add some more sugar, if you like it sweeter. Now place peaches in a tall glass, and top with whipped mascarpone and shredded almonds.
Enjoy !


Cookie dough Oreo bars


I’ll be very honest with you here. It’s not a healthy dessert! So if you’re struggling with diabetes, just stop reading now, and go check out one of my healthy desserts. However, if you’re looking for a ridiculously decadent dessert that’ll knock your guests socks off, look no further !

These cookie dough Oreo bars are one of these addictive, gooey, chocolaty and crunchy desserts, that your guests, family, even your neighbour, will love. I’ve made them last weekend and suddenly I’ve became the-best-daughter-in-law-ever! And if I wouldn’t be already married to my husband, he would have literally proposed to me. With his mouth full of this cookie dough Oreo bar. Yes, they are that good.


So now you’re probably thinking that if these cookie dough Oreo bars are so crazy delicious then they must be fairly complicated. No. They really aren’t. And there is no baking involved :). Here is what you need :

1/2 cup soft butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup flour
1 cup Oreo baking crumbs
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 can of sweetend condensed milk

For the Oreo crust:
1 1/4 cup Oreo baking crumbs
1/4 cup melted butter


Start by preparing the Oreo crust. Just mix the Oreo crumbs with melted butter, and press them firmly to the bottom of your baking dish. Then using your electric mixer, mix the brown sugar with soft butter,then add slowly the flour, and Oreo baking crumbs. Then slowly pour the condensed milk, and in the end chocolate chips. Now pour your sticky mixture on top of the Oreo crust, and let it refrigerate a couple of hours. Cut using sharp knife.


You can even freeze them once they’re cut in to bars, with sheets of parchment paper in between. They are even better cold!


Enjoy them with cold milk or hot coffee :). I know you’ll love them :)!

Ricotta cheesecake& summer party inspirations


Even though Pinterest is full of back-to-school ideas,fall craft and recipes, it’s still summer here where I live! And I’m trying to hold on to these last days of summer as much as possible! I’m turning my eyes away from the yellow leaves that start to appear, and I try to enjoy the days outside in the sun.

If you too fell like the seasons change is coming too fast, try this amazing no bake ricotta cheesecake :). It’s all fluffy and delicate thanks to the whipped ricotta, and sweet and fresh thanks to strawberries and milk chocolate. You just need to visit Domestic Superhero blog, where I share it today with everyone in my guest post :). If you still don’t know that blog, I’m pretty sure you’ll love it!

And as for enjoying the last days of summer, I think that I’ll make a good-bye summer party! If you’d like to make one too, here are some of my all time favourite summer recipes that could be served:

Salads to start with :
Kale summer salad:

My watermelon summer salad :

Gourmet burgers :

Perfect summer cake :

And a summer cocktail that could be served in it’s non-alcoholic version, or with a dash of rum:
Watermelon cocktail :

And of course this no bake strawberry ricotta cheesecake 🙂

What do you think, does this look like a fun the-end-of-summer-party menu? I surly can’t wait to make it all over again 🙂 !

No bake s’mores raspberry cheesecake


As you can see we got slightly s’mores obsessed. This cheesecake inspired by our favourite campfire dessert is as delisus as it can get! Just imagine, a graham crumle crust with this creamy, fluffy and melting-in-your-mouth chocolate ricotta filling, topped with mini marshmallows and sweet raspberries ! It’s really pure perfection. And it a no bake dessert, so it ideal for these hot and lazy summer afternoons :).


Graham cracker crust

1 cup ricotta cheese
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 cup milk chocolate chips

1/2 cup chocolate chips for topping
1 cup fresh raspberries


Make a basic graham craver crust. Clic here if you want to see how Martha is doing it. But don’t bake your graham cracker crust ! Just leave it a side.

Whip your cream, add ricotta, mix on high speed for around 30 seconds, then add 1 cup of melted chocolate chips and mix again on high speed until well blended. Pour your chocolate ricotta cheese filling on the graham cracker crust.


Now you can melt the rest of chocolate chips, and drizzle it on top. Add some mini marshmallows. Kids will love them, so add some more :). Make sure to put your hands on the fresh and sweet raspberries. It will make all the the difference !


Enjoy this super easy and divine no bake s’mores raspberry cheesecake with people you love! (or like me hide in the kitchen to have another serving)…

Oven baked s’mores


Today you can find me at Tipically Simple blog, where I share this extremely easy yet super yummy oven baked s’mores recipe! Since we went kampong my little lady has been begging me for s’mores, so finally I give in :). As you can imagine she was delighted !


Make sure to visit my friends Kelly fabulous blog !
And if you haven’t yet took part in this Amazing 1000$ Cash Giveaway, you still have time ! Just click here 🙂 !

Home made strawberries & rhubarb jam


It’s our first summer in our first house, and I love everything about it ! After living in a condo for a couple of years it feels so great to have the garden all to ourselves. And what a great surprise I had when I noticed that there are both rhubarbs and raspberries growing in the back of our terrain ! So as soon as the rhubarb grew big, we made this wonderful strawberry and rhubarb jam. And honestly I’m really picky when it comes to jams, but this one, thanks to the hint of lime in it, was truly the best I’ve ever tried !


2 cups strawberries cut in halfs
2 cups rhubarb cut in pieces
1 2/3 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon lemon juice
3/4 teaspoon lime juice


Mix the fruits together with sugar, try smashing them together as much as possible. Set it aside for around 12 hours. I would say over night is perfect. Now stir it well, and place it on the stove until it starts boiling. Stir often! As soon as it starts to boil stop the heat, and add the baking powder and the lemon & lime juice. Mix it well. Now you can either pasteurize it, or place in plastic containers and when cooled down freeze.
Enjoy over fresh bread, pancakes, muffins on simply with yoghurt :).

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Healthy fruit Popsicles


Summer is officially on! The long sunny days of laughter and play with our kids in the backyard, the lazy afternoons by the pool and the joyful evenings by the fire! And one of summer musts are Popsicles , right? 🙂 Honestly I think that there is nothing quite as satisfying as a cold and sweet Popsicle on the hot summer afternoon .
So This year I’ve decided to start making them on my own. I figured that it cannot be difficult, and really it’s not at all. And by making them at home I can control the amount of sugar and the ratio between fruits and other components. These Popsicles are as healthy as it gets, being full packed with fresh fruits, low sugar and gluten free. But the best part is that they are approved by my two years old daughter, who didn’t even realize that her sweet treat was also healthy and nutritious!


Strawberry banana Popsicle :
1 ripe banana
1 cup strawberries
1 cup almond coconut milk
( optional 1 tablespoon sugar)

Mango banana Popsicle :
1 ripe banana
1 ripe mango
1 cup almond coconut milk
( optional 1 tablespoon sugar)


I’ve decided to mix the flavours together to create these pretty two colours Popsicles.
Wash and cut your fruits and mix them together using a blender or a hand mixer. Add almond coconut milk ( if you are allergic to nuts add coconut water instead ). As I’ve mentioned the sugar is totally optional, just taste it and then decide if you need to add some.
Pour in the Popsicle moulds half in half. Freeze for 24 hours.


Enjoy them in your deck or by the pool with friends and family!


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Healthy breakfast : chocolate chia pudding


I had this chia package in the back of my pantry since the beginning of winter when I used it to thicken the stews. Honestly I totally forgot its existence. But when I was looking for oats I found them, and figured that it’s gonna be even better! This chocolate chia breakfast pudding is somewhere between tapioca pudding and chocolate milk. So of course my toddler loved it! Who knew that eating healthy can be that easy? What I loved about it is that you can prepare it in the evening and leave in the fridge overnight. So when you are in the hurry in the morning just add some fruits and voila! Healthy, sweet and satisfying breakfast is served :).


2 cups milk
1/4 cup chia seeds
3 tablespoons cacao
2 tablespoons maple sirup

Stir it all together and pour in bowls. Refrigerate for at least an hour, or overnight. Stir again before serving. Add some fresh fruits and nuts. Have a great day!


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The best Bundt lemon cake


Back when I was little we used to make this cake a lot me and my mom, especially in the end of winter and for Easter. It’s moist, wonderfully lemony and it has this perfect balance of sweet and sour. Yesterday we had a rainy day, so I’ve decided to make this gorgeous lemon cake, and it did rise ours spirits ! It takes a little bit more effort than what I usually put in to baking, but still it doesn’t take longer than 20 minutes of preparation!

Cake :
2 1/4 flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Pinch of salt

1 3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup soft butter
Lemon zest ( from 2 lemons)

3 eggs
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup buttermilk ( or milk with 1 teaspoon of vinegar )

1 1/2 cup icing sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Mix sugar with butter and zest. When well mixed together slowly add eggs, followed by lemon juice and buttermilk. When the mixture is well blended add the dry ingredients. Pour the batter in to a baking dish and bake for around 45 minutes on 350F.


To make the icing simply mix the icing sugar with the lemon juice. But before you start icing make sure that your cake cooled down completely.


Serve with herbal tea and pretend that it’s four o clock :). You’ll love it, I’m sure !

Maple fruit salad


This mix of crunchy almonds, cream, maple sirup and fruits is not your every day fruit salad ( or at least it shouldn’t be 😉 ). It’s more like a delicious fruity dessert than your average fruit portion. And since it’s still Easter time you might have some friends and family over, and that is a perfect light dessert to serve them. Or you can just have it for breakfast 🙂 .

Maple sirup


Cut, mix and serve. Have a great day !